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Chinese herbs are effective in the treatment of a wide range of ailments, conditions, and diseases. 

  • Acute conditions, like the flu, common cold and Covid.

  • Chronic diseases such as allergies, autoimmune conditions, endocrine conditions and respiratory conditions.

  • Cardiovascular conditions.

  • Digestive ailments.

  • Age-related/degenerative diseases, and reproductive conditions can be treated with Chinese herbs.

  • Herbs can also be helpful in pain conditions and in healing chronic injuries.

  • Topical herbal products can be effective for treating different skin conditions and underlying muscle and bone injuries.


Because of the wide range of pharmacological effects of herbs, they are effective in treating many diseases and promoting the body's natural abilities to heal itself.

Chinese Medicine offers an effective and safer alternative to many drugs. It can also be used alongside Western medicine in many cases. Negative side effects are very rare in Chinese Medicine.

Yugen Herbal Medicine. Because of the wide range of pharmacological effects of herbs, they are effective in treating many diseases and promoting the body's natural abilities to heal itself.    ​  Chinese Medicine offers an effective and safer alternative to many drugs. It can also be used alongside Western medicine in many cases.


It is important to take Chinese herbs as prescribed by a qualified herbalist or acupuncturist. Most Chinese herbs are very safe, but they must be used properly to maximize their benefits and to be safe for patients to take. In Chinese Medicine, herbs are prescribed based on the patient's disease or condition, symptoms, and previous health history. Herbs are combined together into complex formulas, which helps to prevent adverse reactions and side effects, as different active ingredients in the herbs counter-balance each other. Using traditional examination and diagnosis, a  formula is constructed based on each individual patient's needs.


The length of use of herbs depends on your health complaint and health goals. If you are trying to get pregnant, herbs might be used for several months until conception. If you have a cold, you might take them for five days. If you have a chronic, degenerative illness, herbs might be necessary for the long term. The length of treatment with herbs, just like acupuncture, is dependent on your health history and what we are trying to accomplish with treatment. While you may take herbs for a long time, many beneficial effects of the herbal formulas are noticeable in a few days after starting to take them.



Children respond very well with many modalities in Chinese Medicine - including Chinese Herbs. There are many lines of herbal tinctures developed specifically for pediatric health concerns that are safe for children and adolescents.


Common pediatric ailments treated with herbs include allergies, ear infections, common colds, bedwetting, eczema, weak immune systems, poor focus, ADD/ADHD, teething, poor sleep, bad dreams, and upset tummies. 

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